Peach Malt
I don’t know what it is about malts but we love them. We love them more than pie, more than cake and yes, more than cookies. I was going to say more than ice cream too but that would be a lie… sort of. Ice cream is our favorite dessert at home but melted ice cream is the ultimate dessert for us. I don’t know what it is about ice cream soup but we look forward to our ice cream melting every time we get to enjoy a scoop or two. We serve it in a bowl and stir until it with a spoon until it resembles a thick bowl of cream.
A malt is just that much better. The consistency is pretty much the same but you can customize it so much more. August is National peach month. I’m all about all things peachy this back to school season. One sure fire way to enjoy their sweetness is by adding them to blender and whip up a fun and tasty malt.
This peach malt can be served as an after school snack or a creamy dessert. Either way, you bet the kids will enjoy every last thick gulp of it. Enjoy the season and what’s left of the scorching summer!