Mi Little Master/Mi Maestrito
As a Positive Ambassador, I have taken your many questions regarding the Master of the Glass Half Full to the Master himself. You had questions of how he came to be and how you can get acquainted with him and his words of Positivismo.
He has asked me to share his response with you…

I mentioned how much we include milk in Joaquin’s daily diet and how much he loves his “lechita.” Joaquin is a big fan of milk and a very healthy little boy that loves to dance, count, play and sing.
The Master of the Glass half full said “absolutely! you must submit his photograph the “Album de los Maestritos del Vasito Medio Llenito” or the “The Little Masters of the Little Glass Half Full Album.”
So I did and here is the photo I submitted…

2nd Place: Bicycle with a front child seat and a year’s supply of milk
3rd Place: Professional blender with a year’s supply of milk
Follow the Master of the Glass Half Full on Twitter: @maestropositivo
Disclosure: This is part of a sponsored campaign with the California Milk Processor’s Board and Latina Mom Bloggers.